Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How do I take care of a clematis?

I just bought a clematis(rosemoor) It does not bloom yet.It is in a container and I will keep it in a container. when do I fertilize it?do I need to get ride of the whole soil and put a new one?when and how?what is the name of the best fertilizer?when is it going to bloom?It's just three feet height,is it going to get hiegher and spread this summer or next year?It is my first time so please help me

How do I take care of a clematis?
It needs to be planted, not in a container. They live a very long time if kept right and have a deep root system. They do best on an east or west wall or along a fence because they are a vine and need a trellis for support. A clematis vine will get very large and the usually bloom in my area in about June. Different types bloom at different times though.

Reply:that particular clematis blooms on old and new wood so limit your pruning of the plant.

If you are going to grow it as a container plant make sure the container is shaded, clematis don't like their roots to get hot and they like their trunks to be in the shade. they like to get lots of sun on their leaves though.

it will grow and spread so make sure you have a sturdy trellis for it the stems tend to be a little brittle. they max out at 10 ft, but I wouldn't expect that in a container grown plant.

I'd recommend osmocote timed release fertilizer for it at the recommended rate on the bag/bottle. It will probably bloom off and on all summer.

I assume you will have this plant growing outside, it won't perform well indoors.
Reply:Dig a hole and plant it somewhere where the roots are in the shade, but its head is in the sun. If you only have a spot in the full sun, put some rocks around the roots to keep them cool.

Chop back in the early spring or it will go mad!

You don't say what variety it is.....Have a look for the type you have in the link below and follow the specific care for that type.
Reply:Try these:




Good luck............!
Reply:call your extention service in your home town. they help with all gardening questions.

call your city hall for the phone number

massage shoes

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