Saturday, November 14, 2009

Clematis in shady spot.?

I am moving soon, and would like a clemeties to grow beside the front door and then train over. The problem is it will always be in the shade. And ideas, by the way I am a novice gardener!

Clematis in shady spot.?
There are tons of varieties of clematis and many will grow in the shade. It would be worth it to visit a GOOD local nursery, every clematis should have a color picture of the bloom and the sun requirements.

My favorite shade loving clematis is "Armandii"! It's an evergreen, that grown fast and has big long leaves that look almost tropical. Very fragrant flowers and it's easy to find the one that blooms with white flowers (white flowers also "pop" in a shade garden). But you might be able to find the "Armandii Apple Blossom" which is a new variety that blooms pink.
Reply:"Nelly Moser" will cope with a North facing aspect - a large-bloom variety it gives a good display. I have 3 at the front of my house which faces North - 2 are just in flower, the third looks as though it's going for quantity by the huge buds on it.

Don't allow a clematis to dry out - they need their roots to be moist and shaded.
Reply:Try any of these. They all grow in shade;

Clematis Lincoln Star

Clematis viticella 'Etoile Violette'

Clematis Lemon Chiffon

Check this link for clematis that will tolerate shade. This means they will grow but they may not produce so many flowers.....
Reply:Actually all clematis grow very well in shade.The colour dosn't get washed out by the sun,so is more intense and flowering is later,but longer.
Reply:Some varieties dont mind the shade. Roots should always be shaded with Clematis

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