Monday, May 11, 2009

I recently bought 4 different varieties of Clematis vines, can I plant them together?

As long as you have the space, then yes. I've got two growing together on a trellis, one planted toward each end of it. They grow up it and mix nicely.

I'd just space them so that each was on an end of a trellis, with a plant on the front and back of it so there is enough room for them all to grow and get the water and nutrients that they need.

I recently bought 4 different varieties of Clematis vines, can I plant them together?
plant them near to each other so each has enough space for their roots but encourage them to twine around the same support.

You could plant them around the support.

Just some additional information. They say clematis like to have their head in the sun but their roots/feet in the shade.

Easiest way to achieve the shady feet is to either place some stones around the area where the stem leaves the ground or plant something on top of the base. A nice ground-cover works well and adds to the beauty of the garden


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