Monday, May 11, 2009

Can I put river rock instead of mulch around my clematis?

So far, they seem to be ok with it, but I had most my plants succumb to wilt so I want to make sure it's ok.

Can I put river rock instead of mulch around my clematis?
Clematis like cool roots so if the rock is thick enough, heat shouldn't be getting into the soil. However I worry about reflected heat from the rocks.........the environment will be a lot hotter in the immediate area and clematis are not known for being real heat tolerant.
Reply:i would think the rocks would make u have to water more often. They love water they need staked up off ground too! this yr has been rough on mine too.
Reply:I use the little white pebbles to topdress my clems. I've been doing this for years and have not had an issues.
Reply:rock would be ok, wood chips or some other organic mulch would be better. why do you think your plants succumbed to wilt?
Reply:I agree with fluffernut.

Cool roots are what a clematis likes. Wood mulch or compost is preferable, but river rock is fine so long as you water them well.

But not TOO well. Too much water is just as bad as not enough.

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