Monday, May 11, 2009

How do I protect my newly planted clematis for a winter in Iowa?

they die off for the winter and come back in the spring everything dies but the roots...just let it go and it will be ok...

How do I protect my newly planted clematis for a winter in Iowa?
cut it back ,mulch iy and cover it
Reply:Call a local garden store. Or a horticultural society.
Reply:I wouldn't prune it the first year. If you feel you need to, mulch it for the winter and leave it be. They're pretty hardy and should be just fine.

I have 5 of them here in WI, z5 and I've never done anything with mine...never even mulched the first year and they're growing wonderfully.
Reply:I just planted one myself in NE Ohio, here is what I plan to do: In late Oct. I am going to cut it back to appox. 6inches from ground, then heap mulch around the base leaving an exposed 3 inches or so. Lastly I am going to cover the remaining with a bucket to protect it.
Reply:6 " or so of mulch at the base right after the air temp is to remain around freezing, but before the ground freezes. remember to uncover it in the spring after the ground has begun to thaw
Reply:Cover the base with either leaves or pine needles and cove it with a bucket or a plastic sheet! Or you could put a heat lamp on it at night when the frost and dew is likely to come in contact with it!

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