Friday, November 18, 2011

Pruned my clematis last year. Loads of leaves this year but no flowers. What have I done ?

I have lots of different clematis growing...I cut them right back about every 4 years to encourage some new growth. I prick the centres out of the trailers which encourages two more shoots to form...You usually find that next year you will have plenty of dont worry.! just keep feeding it every two weeks with 'Miracle grow' and you will have a lovely show next year....

Pruned my clematis last year. Loads of leaves this year but no flowers. What have I done ?
All clematis are not pruned the same. Depends on the variety. Some flower on new seasons growth, others on last seasons growth. So you ideally need to identify your specimen to know which action to take regarding pruning. If for example you had what should be an early flowering variety on last years growth, and you pruned it hard too early in spring, or late last year, you will have removed its flowering ability.These should be pruned after flowering. On the other hand, if it's a later flowering type, pruning in spring is ok, new growth appears and in due course, the same season, flowers. The plants will survive if you prune them wrong, but they will give reduced shows of flower, possibly none at all.
Reply:You have cut off the flower buds that were formed last year. Do not prune unless you really have to.
Reply:Clematis is usually pruned in the late winter or early spring ... by pruning it in the fall you may have stopped it from blooming this year ...wait until February or March to prune it next year, and it should bloom that summer.
Reply:give it a good feed, it probably won't flower this year but next year it will be stronger, it's nothing to panic about you've just pruned at the wrong time of the year (winter months are best for Clematis)

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