Friday, November 18, 2011

When is the best time of year to prune clematis?

I found a simple way of remembering which clematis to prune when is to watch what time of year it flowers.

All clematis fall into 3 groups, gp 1, 2 or 3. depending on flowering time.

If it flowers before June (gp 1) eg C Montana var Rubens - then no pruning necessary unless outgrown its space

If it flowers after June (gp 2) then needs cutting back to approx 30cm from the ground each spring (March).

If it flowers in winter (gp 3) eg. C.cirrhosa var Balaraeca, then no pruning necessary unless it has outgrown its space.


Gp 1 clematis flowers on 1 year old wood so if you prune it back you will lose next years flowers.

Gp 2 flowers on this years growth so cutting back in spring will encourage better growth and more flowering.

Gp 3 flowers on this and last years growth so only prune if absolutely necessary

Watch your clematis and see when it flowers, that will then tell you if it needs pruning.

When is the best time of year to prune clematis?
It really depends on which type of clematis you have. Try I've wound their books to be a wealth of information!
Reply:Prune back in fall or early spring.
Reply:i prune mine in October,or march been doing it for several years and have not a problem,
Reply:there are three main groups of clematis,based on flowering time and 1 is made up of early flowering species such as the Alpina, Macropetala and Montana groups which flower directly from the previous seasons stems.Only weak, dead wood or over vigorous growth should be removed immediatly after flowering , the new growth will ripen in summer and autumn and provide next springs flowers.Group 2 are the hybrids and cultivars which bloom on the current seasons stems usually late april through to june, the new growth they flower on is produced in early spring so prune in feb-march before new growth starts.Cut back old stems to a strong pair of buds about 12 in above ground level or 6- 8 buds up thestem fom ground level.Remove any dead or diseased wood at ground level.The reason for not pruning this group directly after flowering is they often produce a later flush of flowers in late summer. Group 3 are the late flowerers with large flowers which also flower on current seasons growth.This group should also be pruned in early spring as for group 2. Evergreen clematis Armandii only to be pruned to control growth and remove old wood pref after flowering.

Group 1 early flowering species include

C.montana, C. alpina, C. armandii, C. cirrhosa, C. macropetala

Group 2 cultivars include Nelly Moser, Marie Boisselot,Barbara Jackman, Henryi

Group 3 ..Florida, Tangutica, Viticella

It should specify on the label on purchase which group your clem belongs to

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